Tandoori Gobi

I have been waiting over a month to see some snowfall for all the hype P had given. Am I crazy to wish for it???? Nah,all I wanted is to make a Snowman. Living in the Midwest that is certainly not a big ask.Though the weather has been cold,we haven?t witnessed much snow this year. [...]

Cherimoya Custard and an Award!

It was Oscar fever at home too. However,I wasnt too keen on watching it,but P insisted and dragged me to see the program.I didnt quite enjoy Slumdog Millionaire,except for Rehman nothing else seemed right to me.I am a diehard fan of A R Rehman,so he being nominated was the only enthu that kept me [...]

Easy appetizers -Spring Rolls &Dim sum

A recent visit to one of the Chinese Grocers here was such a revelation,I found almost all the veggies that Ive been missing here.It was actually my Bro’s engagement in India,I was feeling pathetic sitting here and to cheer up my mood P took me for shopping,which always helps me:-P. Apart from the [...]

Lemon Raisin Chocolate Cake and an award!

Its the month of romance,day of exchanging chocolates,flowers,gifts between loved ones all in the name of St Valentine.He was one of the most popular priest/saint in Rome .One of the kings (I seldom remember his name) decided that single men made better soldiers than the once with families. Valentine disagreed,fought for this injustice and [...]

Cinnamon Rolls

Every other day Ive been going out and things keep me busy. Jes got some time time now,thought to blog and also see what my fellow bloggers are up to!

I got to attend the Midwinter Feast at the International Institute of this state. It was well attended by people from different [...]

Easy Coconut Macaroons and awards

While making Coconut Macaroons yesterday,I was thinking about my Dad.After a good meal,he would go to the kitchen and ask my Mom Wats there to eat?? He actually meant something to munch or savories. We call it ?Norukuthini? in Tamil.I wud ask Wats there to Norukufy?? (jes a modernized way of calling it).Mom used [...]

Akki Roti and Badnekayi Yennegayi

Think about hot Jowar/Akki Rotis (unleavened bread made of millet/rice flour) along with the mouth watering Badnekayi Yennegayi(Brinjal/Eggplant Gravy),eh???? Yes am talking about North Karnataka Food.The Kamat groups in Bangalore,India makes one of the finest North Karnataka cuisines.The lunch they serve is mindblowing a typical meal consists of Jowar Roti along with the trademark [...]