Biscuit Jaconde Imprime &Extremet( with Raspberry &Pineapple Cheesecake filling)- Daring Baker’s Jan’11 Challenge

Yay,For once I made this challenge well ahead of time!!!

Brillat Savarin said - “The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of new star”. I was glad to participate in DBC this time,as I discovered the two new words “Extremet”and “Jaconde”.

I like [...]

Cinnamon Apple Cheesecake ….a celebration!

And it is so very Cold. Its time for Summer and here am still feeling cold.The temperature is about 52 F and doesn?t seem to get any better. I am irritated to get back to the same old warm clothes..poor me! It was drizzling thru out the weekend too.Oh god,I wish I had [...]